Da Capo Music Festivals NYSSMA Registration

Da Capo Music Festivals

Account Types

  • Teacher Account: 99% of the users on this system will use the 'Teacher Account' to register students for a NYSSMA Solo or Small Ensemble Audition.  Teachers can perform the following actions:
    • Register Students
    • View Schedule (once the Festival Chairperson has published the schedule)
    • View Ratings(once the festival is complete and the Festival Chairperson has published the ratings)
    • View billing information for the students that you have registered
    • Download Excel Spreadsheets including all available information for your students
    • And a few more functions depending on the features your Festival Chairperson has enabled
    • Please read School Music News to determine which festivals are using 'Da Capo Music Festivals' for NYSSMA Registration
    • You may contact your Director of Music or the Developer for the access code to register for a Teacher Account
  • Director of Music Account:  Each school district should have one (1) 'Director of Music' account.  This person need not be an administrator of music, but this person should be the lead teacher or liaison for their school district.  There should only be one of these accounts per school district.  A Director of Music can perform the following actions:
    • See all students registered in the school district, and modify their registrations
    • View the medal count after ratings have been posted
    • View billing information for the school district
    • Download Excel Spreadsheets including all available information for your district
    • And a few more functions depending on the features your Festival Chairperson has enabled
    • If you also work as a Teacher who will be registering students for NYSSMA, you should also sign up for a Teacher Account
    • Please read School Music News to determine which festivals are using 'Da Capo Music Festivals' for NYSSMA Registration
    • You may contact the Developer for the access code to register for a Director of Music Account
  • Festival Chairperson Account: The person in charge of a 'Midweek / Satellite' or Area ASE should register for a Festival Chairperson Account.  The Festival Chairperson can perform the following actions:
    • Create a new festival
    • View all registrations for a festival
    • Perform all scheduling features
    • Perform all printing features
    • Manage the complete festival
    • You may contact the Developer for the access code to register for a Festival Chairperson